Hi There
Last weekend I received a very interesting submission from Aileen Mallya, who believes that Africa can be developed in three weeks by using a three-pronged approach. Changing our perception on Knowledge, Skill and Attitude. Click on the comments links to read her article.
Also pushing a three pronged approach is Pan-African scholar Kagenza Rumongi. In his proposal for African liberalization, the scholar is promoting a physical, mental and spiritual struggle through strategies of ‘Decolonization, Intellectual Disobedience, Ma’at (African righteousness), Re –Africanization (African cultural knowledge), and Sankofa (learning from the past to build the future)’.
Kagenza’s memoir highlights an identity struggle that many African youth are going through today.
I, like Kagenza, went through a foreign education system in Kenya that refused to teach me the history of Marcus Mosiah Garvey (Black Moses), Haile Selassie I (the Conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah), Lalibela and Timbuktu. Instead it indoctrinated me with stories on the ‘great’ kings and queens of the West, the same people who I later came to learn, had classified the African as an animal, sold him like a loaf of bread and named the greatest genocide in the history of humanity as a mere trade, a Slave Trade.
All good students were required to speak a minimum of three languages. I spoke four. Luo (my native language), Swahili (the national language), Spanish (a school requirement) and English (the official language of instruction). Today, I speak all these languages, but I am a master of none. I know about the cultures behind the languages but I am an expert in none. I have all these identities but I feel I belong to none. I’m African by birth and European by education. Was this done intentionally? Is this mode of education beneficial or detrimental to the
African cause? Is there such a thing as an African Education and if so what is it? Did old colonial and neo-colonial powers seek to mis-educate me and my African brothers and sisters? What do they gain from indoctrinating a wholecontinent? Can we break down these walls and re-educate ourselves, re-write our history, un-colonize our minds?
I look forward to hearing from you
Mark Gaya
Hope all is well. And glad the talk is …. Well is doing what it has done thus far. I know this is going to be very controversial, but then again, I am black and as someone said earlier, we are controversial. If I could address this from a developmental stand, Africa only needs 3 weeks to develop, and not the 300 years some ‘development gurus’ suggest. There are 3 things we need to change:
1. Knowledge: just out of curiosity, how many Africans do you see reading an ‘informative’ African news paper when you walk through the streets? Let me give you an example, which is best, put in Kiswahili (please understand, the English language can be challenging and limiting at times…. Not my fault)…. Of the 10 people you see carrying a newspaper, 8 are carrying the ‘gossip journals” (vijarida vya umbea, Uwazi, Kiu, and the likes)… just because they have seen the heading “Waziri Afumaniwa” on buying the paper, they realize it is not an actual Minister, but someone called Waziri Jumbe, of Gongolamboto… with that, they have wasted resources that they could have used to gain knowledge. Uganda has the redpepper… same thing… and there is the almost equivalent female bible… commercially trading under the name “Cosmopolitan” nothing of substance. When you travel, how many Africans do you see reading and acquiring knowledge (as reading is just one thing)? Out of 10, most likely there is one… those doing something other than snoring are listening to people singing about bending it while it was hot, of course… what else or reading something by Sheldon, that will in no way in the near future affect the price of sugar in Africa? Randomly ask someone to name at least 25 African states… by friend… you might shed a tear or two, as they will not be able to do that, they can easily mention 40 American states, including the senators of each state and the islands that make New York, the name and length of the bridges that connect these islands… Need I say more… the best way to hide something from an African is to put it in writing… we have refused to read and our life is the media… the only image of Africa in the media is…. We all know them… and I hate it when people think its just Lions, gazelles, elephants… has any of you ever been home, opened the back door and seen a heard of wilder beasts majestically marching the plains.. the only thing one can do in African is a ‘Safari”. They come here with their safari khakis all made in china and bought in new York, ready for the African experience… and our reaction… makes me mad.. I wont go there (where was I) but thats that! We’ve been so lazy to acquire knowledge that we were not able to patent the kikoy and kiondo in Africa, until when the china man came and we started crying about it, and blaming them for stealing…. The blame game…
2. Skill: we might truly be stupid… but it is because the African has given up on developing their brain, so to speak. We impose everything from the west on ourselves. We travel, see a nice restaurant, and come back home and do the exact same, from the décor to the name.. and the menu… most of which we can not and will never be able to pronounce the items on the menu… but its ‘French cuisine’ or is it? What is “Hotel Fort des Moines?” Fort des Moines is a bloody town for crying out loud. Think Negro! We are just too lazy to think. I see my neighbor has a successful business, and I open the exact business next to my neighbor’s establishment. How many times have we seen, 20 establishments on the same street with the same products (from china of course). The more you learn to develop your mind, the more creative the mind gets…. If I may ask, who can tell us of 5 persons they know that have imported a tractor in the past 3 years? But we all now about 20 people who have imported a Lexus, BMW, Range etc in the last month…. Why are we struggling with cash crops that we will export, for them to be processed and brought back to Africa… say Nestlé coffee, tea maybe? Lets get rid of cash crops and do food crops instead… then the white man will not have the ‘African” to donate dog food to as food relief and neither will he have raw tea to process ‘vanilla flavored’ tea… tea is tea after all and we have it in plenty… lets produce cash crops to sustain Africa only… not even those in the Diaspora… they should come back home if they really want “African tea”. We all see land around us, but we say it is an arid land, nothing grows…. What happened to that thing called irrigation and the other thing from cows and chicken and eventually crop rotation was it?
3. Attitude: we strive to make an impression that does not necessarily make any progress in life. I believe all of you receiving this have cell phones… and a cell phone I tell you, is still a luxury in Africa, as recharging your account requires making life decisions.. ‘Like so I buy this credit and have and an “air burger” for lunch… So then, why would someone want to buy a $600 phone, and they have no sugar? We are simply not aware of our needs and wants. Your neighbor has no food, and you have a hammer, your dogs eat cheese and the horses have milk for breakfast, and are too proud of it? Children have no water to drink, and you not only have an Olympic size pool in your back yard (of which this back yard would comfortably house about 50 families… but …) the water in the pool is very warm as they say ‘heated pool’…. So you can have a swim in the middle of the night….. Isn’t a bucket of water enough to freshen up? Africans and especially we the youth need to get our ‘hierarchy of needs’ in check! We should know what we need as Africans is more important that what we want. I asked someone what they thought about the death of the African identity and culture in the youth, and their response was “African youth have not lost their African identity, they have just identified a culture of their own”…. And they referred to something like the ‘African Hip hop culture”… someone please tell me what this is as I have tried but failed to know what it is…. African hip-hop culture” ….. so what’s so hipping and hopping about it? Some people will spend $1000 to buy a set of ‘spinners’ for their ‘ride’… now let me tell you the truth….You can not see these fools spinning while you’re driving period! What are the lcd monitors in the car for? You either drive and cant watch TV or you are just not in the car. Or else tell me someone who is normally in their car. Just watching TV, not going anywhere, just watching TV, sitting there like a fool? Your car does not need 39” rims… the engineers put on the 22”s…. They knew what they were doing, you are not an engineer damn it, and with that thinking you will never be one! A watch $800… does this stupid watch make you travel through time in addition to telling you the length of your shadow (time)?
We are too fond of the blame game…and there is an excuse to do anything… ignorance should not be an excuse… we just do not have priorities… and one without priorities is bound to fail all he attempts to do. Until we are ready to accept and challenge the status quo, we will soon be the 11th world, as I think we are already dancing around the 5th world. Challenging the status quo is letting go of the blame game and do the target game”. So please, if you have a $800 Armani watch, please…. You don’t need it….and Armani didn’t make it with you in mind, that is my friend it not for you. That watch could see a young intelligent kid through primary school…
With that… Nyerere said “ Ujinga unaisha, Upumbavu ni sifa ya Kuzaliwa.” Tumeanza kuwa wapumavu, au mpaka tupigwe tena kiboko?” (someone please translate)
It is our mothers’ actions of refusing the carry us that we learned to walk… but someone has refused to put Africa on the floor and has insisted on carrying it… lets refuse the back ride, and learn to walk alone… we will fall at some point, but we will walk, if only we are determined to walk…
His Story of my History
People, there is a problem. Those of you who think you
know who you are- check again! Perhaps it’s just my
inner African ‘soul’ that was aroused the other day as
I stared astounded at what I had just watched-
‘Christianity, the Stolen Religion from Afrika’ a DVD
presented by Dr. Ashra Kwesi, renowned scholar of
Ancient African Civilization and Religion. So I
figured that I was well on the way to overall
liberation, especially after that summer semester when
within one week, I had picked up (and dusted; no body
reads these things!) a copy of ‘Neo-Colonialism: The
Last Stage of Imperialism’ by the Osagyefo Kwame
Nkrumah and the humongous digest of Marcus Garvey’s
UNIA (Universal Negro Improvement Association)
historical documents. Thereafter, as the overly used
saying goes ‘one thing leads to another’, the other
giants of my African story were revealed to me within
good time- Walter Rodney, Frantz Fanon, Aime Cesaire,
Julius Nyerere, Amilcar Cabral, Cheick Anta Diop, Ivan
Van Sertima, Chancellor Williams, Edward Blyden,
George Padmore, W.E.B Du Bois, Sekou Toure, Patrice
Lumumba, and the other gallant intellectual soldiers
who dared be African in more ways than in their
So this instance of disturbing information and a
reawakening of some internal and dormant spirit raced
my mind down my memory path. My first stop was to my
four years of studying in a predominantly white
school- the Maxwell Adventist American Academy. Four
years is enough to create new perceptions of almost
everything ranging from: Love, Fashion, Civilization,
and also God. I was so spellbound by the American way
of life- especially the ‘Christian’ way of life, that
I gave my best to this institution and its created
culture. I was elected to various positions perhaps
because I epitomized the ‘good boy’ image- from Class
president to Resident Assistant; the Americans at the
school were comfortable with me. So I looked back and
tried to understand why these people with totally
foreign identities and cultures would be interested in
a young boy from Rwanda (with a lot of Kenyan
character). After racing my memory in all directions
possible- the images of interacting with the faculty,
my girlfriends, my roommates, Safari trips to Masaai
Mara, leading Sundown worship, talking about College
(in America) and so on; I finally concluded that the
reason why I was a ‘good boy’, a ‘disciplined’
student’, why I was accepted was not because they
appreciated my ‘African’ image- my African culture, my
African mannerisms, my African language, my African
self; it was definitely not because I chanted to
Nyabhingi, or to Asantewaa, or to a Black Jesus;
obviously it couldn’t be that they liked my African
dressing, or my African hairstyle; no, no, no, they
cant lie to me. Its because I didn’t practice any
African culture, because I abandoned all my African
mannerisms, because they discouraged and I embraced
the idea that ‘don’t speak your Kinyarwanda, its not
courteous to the others’ (put in a hint of that white
American accent), because I wasn’t my African self; it
had to be because I never chanted to Nyabhingi, or to
Asantewaa, or to a Black Jesus- they called the former
‘witchcraft’ and the latter ‘ridiculous’, but they
painted Jesus white- complete with the straight and
long hair, reminiscent of the Hippies who misconstrued
the Rastafarian message of the likes of Bob Marley;
they discouraged African dressing to Church, saying it
was ‘recreational wear’ or ‘compound dressing’ and
encouraged (with rigid rules and regulations) that we
wear a suit and tie- all under the unforgiving
blistering African climate; we were never allowed to
grow our hair ‘too long’- based on some strange unseen
and unwritten specifications only the Dean and other
administrators were able to judge.
So, perhaps all these elements that were discouraged
by the god-fearing ‘Missionaries’ may not in whole
designate an African, but what I am sure of is that
what they encouraged, what they supported, what they
outlined in their ‘rules and regulations’, the
pictures of white Jesus, the opening song to early
morning worship (6.am, and I used to take attendance-
such a ‘good’ boy!) – ‘make me as white as snow...’;
all this, I am totally sure with the benefit of
hindsight, was meant to make me an American boy, in
the name of a ‘disciplined boy’, to make me a white
boy, in the name of ‘Adventist education’.
Let me change course slightly, there is a lot of noise
in my mind. See, the beauty of this life, and of the
fact that I can honestly share my personal experiences
with the world, is that I am the only expert in my own
experience. There is no Watson or Professor White who
has specialized in ‘Kagenza’s Life Expereince: His
Interpretation’ (no course like that offered in
Harvard). So you are forced to recognize- as much as
for some it may be hard to swallow, that I have
personally experienced brainwashing and
indoctrination, and I am sharing with the world- my
friends and Watson’s alike, that the White power
structure is real and operating aggressively to ensure
that they remain as the rulers of this world; and I
have experience only one of their strategies, that of
‘mental enslavement’ through ‘mis-education’.
Back to my past. What put the icing (white) on the
cake was in my history class. Using some course text
on ‘American History’, they subtly rewrite the history
of other people (other than white) to cleanse their
bloody hands and prop the image of ‘vanguard of
democracy’/’the land of the free’. I never was
encouraged to discuss what happened to the Native
Americans (whom they conveniently call ‘red Indians’);
I was never conscious enough to ask why the previous
chapter to that on the Civil Rights movement concluded
with the title ‘Trouble Ahead’- what trouble, that
Black people would resist White Supremacy? I remained
baffled until relatively recently as to the amount of
money paid in reparations to the Jews for the tragic
Holocaust experience- while at the same time, they
stooped and ducked the historical injustices incurred
on we Africans in the form of 400+ years of brutal
slavery and unpaid toil to build Massachusetts (I
went, I saw, I confirmed) and Liverpool. The system
was cushioned by the supposed fact that they were
‘missionaries’-preaching the Love of Christ, yet
forgetting their hatred; teaching that Salvation is
what we all want- yes, because they have conquered the
world and now rule our minds and souls, but that
seeking Justice for historical injustices was
unnecessary and ‘inconveniencing’ the world (which
they believe has ‘moved on’); I embraced all this
propaganda because at the end of the day, and as a
‘good’ boy of the school, I could never conceive of an
alternative world because the White image had been
deeply entrenched in my psyche; my reality, and the
communal subconscious of my fellow Africans, was
guarded, provided, and created by a White Jesus- so
how could I fight against my ‘redeemer’? Looking back
now, I hear them speak so much about Justice- yet what
they meant was ‘Just us’!
But this is not only about emotional reactions or
lamenting about the past, it is about historical lies
and facts that have been entangled to keep us Africans
in enslavement. As I was talking about my introduction
to my history, there is only so far that pan
africanism- as our mental and political liberating
philosophy/ideology, will take us. We will if we stay
committed to this struggle, reach the point of
Spiritual liberation- where we must uncover the myths
and lies, and look to Ethiopia and Egypt (we called it
Kemet- the land of the blacks!). For therein, even
though I am yet to earn the title of ‘Egyptologist’ or
‘historian’ in the western academic factories, lies
the truth of African spiritual reality with regard to
the Christian Doctrine. We must employ a three pronged
approach to total Afrikan liberation- the physical
struggle, the mental struggle, and the spiritual
struggle. Through strategies of Decolonization,
Intellectual Disobedience, Ma’at (African
righteousness), Re –Africanization (Afrikan cultural
knowledge), and Sankofa (learning from the past to
build the future).
This is my humble submission, as an Afrikan searching
for his truth while struggling for freedom. I look
forward to your opinions on our struggle and
suggestions for strategies to liberate ourselves. His
story of my history is not my history. I must now
restore in my conscious, my true HISTORY.
Kagenza Sakufi-Rumongi
R20;ControversialR21; is perhaps the biggest understatement one could say, your piece. I liked it, and I hated it. I like that you so eloquently brought out the issues about Africans that puzzle the rest of the world, I hate it because it does such a nice job of telling me that indeed, there appears to be something inherently idiotic about being me, an African. Your quote by Nyerere does imply there’s been something amiss with Africans for quite a while, and perhaps it’s something we cant just break off from!?
Your piece made me lose hope.. any hope that one day something good will come from Africa. So, I ask you, don’t you see any hope? Is there any reason to believe we can suddenly break free of our very nature, which, going by your piece, is not something anyone should be proud of, and moving on towards, where, the first world?
You piece also made me angry, which I guess it was meant to, and for that I must commend you, for it was well written to that purpose. You say Africa needs only 3 weeks to develop- where is your blue print? You say someone has been carrying Africa and is refusing to put it down- implying just what? That we are helpless victims being swayed his way and that against our will (didn’t I hear you talk about the blame game??) By the way, I don’t read Sheldon- never have in fact, and I know very many people who don’t. But what’s the difference between reading Sheldon and any of the thousands of African writers who write fiction? I don’t know anyone who reads Cosmopolitan- but then, what’s wrong with that? Gone are the days when we sat around a fire to listen to stories and folklore told by our witty grandmothers! Times change, situations improve or deteriorate and people adapt.
The only thing I could get from your piece is that there’s something rather odd about being an African.. something that borders on incredible stupidity combined with an inborn inability to judge for ourselves what is good and what is bad for us. After all, no one forces us to read American history or geography, at the expense of our African history or geography. Its more than 40 years since we attained independence in Kenya, surely we have earned the right to develop our own school curriculum? Nobody forces us to buy Armani, or BMW’s, or Italian suits for that matter. It’s we who decide all these issues. So, if what you write is indeed true, no wonder Dr Watson felt he could say what he did. You may just have said the same, just using different words.
Hello all,
I decided to check out this blog site after my friend Mark Gaya told me about it.
I read most of the postings/comments by individuals. I enjoyed reading them. However, as most posting is all about African identity, intelligent, language confusion, lack of development etc. I would like to tell you all that (I respect your opinions), but there is a new face of Africa!
Africa has improved a lot from what you guys are talking about. Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, Nnamdi Azikwe of Nigeria, Nelson Mandela of South Africa are the frontline leaders who stood and fought for liberation and freedom in Africa. Today, we are reaping the benefits.
European education has done more good than harm.It enables us to contribute meaningfully to world issues such as peace, economy, religion etc. People like Wole Soyinka of Nigeria (A nobel prize winner) and the former United Nation Secretary (I can't remember his name now) have made African proud as a continent.
A tour of most African big cities such as Tripoli, Lagos and Abuja, Accra, Johanessburg, Cairo etc is a testimony that there is a big growth/development in Africa.However, most foreigners do not like to visit cities in Africa, they prefer taking pictures in the countryside.And those that stayed in the cities never ever saw any lion crossing the road.
Talking about slave trade and loss of indentity is not what occupied most educated African minds right now. Our priorities is how to develop our youths leadership skills, organize our communities, develop rural areas, train our people how to use technology so that we can quickly move forward.Talking about race, identity, reparation, western education and the other negative thoughts will not move us forward.
There is a new face for Africans everywhere and that is to distinguished yourself, compete by mastering western education, travel and learn other people cultures, skills and use the knowledge gained to develop your own community/country.
Thank you all,
Wally Adesina, Ph.D.
Charlottesville, Virginia
Today I was planning my lessons on African history for my ninth grade class and decided to read through the Village Volunteers forum, partly for procrastination and partly for inspiration. I was successful on both counts. My students (mostly American-born from North Carolina) look to me for expertise on Africa, and while I can probably speak with more authority than most ninth grade teachers in the US, we all know I'm no substitute for hearing about Africa from Africans. So, this white man is about to steal even more from Africa, as I'll be copying some of your blog comments on African identity into a handout for my students to read and discuss. As a result, I hope that my students will be able to connect Africa's past to its present. Of course, just because the past may have led to the present, it does not have to determine the future, and I hope my students will see that as well. So perhaps there's another blog topic to address -- what should the children of the world be learning about Africa?
Thanks, Mark, for managing this blog, and thanks to contributors for sharing your thoughts.
-Jason Giersch
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