Monday, December 3, 2007

Malawi, EAC, Nigeria

Today we want to discuss Malawi, the new EAC trade agreement and the Nigerian oil dilemma. Here goes...

Malawi recorded a bumper harvest this year, because of a decision by the government to subsidize its farmers. They did this despite opposition from the World Bank and other development partners, who for long have been pushing policies that have been detrimental to the African nations food security.

Should other African states follow suite and move away from policies pushed by the IMF and World Bank that are harmful to their economies? What reaction can this produce from the Bretton Woods organizations, and should threats of a possible backlash deter developing nations from adopting other development models?

Read the story here: Malawi

Post your comments below

The East African Community-EAC (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi) has just signed a new controversial trade agreement with the EU. This agreement will allow European produce to move freely into the region. Critics argue that the deal could damage developing economies by cutting their customs revenue and making it harder for local businesses to compete with larger foreign rivals. What are your thoughts on this new deal?

Read the story here: EAC Trade Pact

Post your comments below

With the largest oil reserves in Africa, the biggest and arguably the most educated population, why is Nigeria so poor and underdeveloped? Can anything be done to remedy the situation? Is Nigeria like Ashif Hanan calls it, ‘a basket case’?

Read the story here: Nigeria burning

Post your comments below

Have an intellectual day.

Mark Gaya

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Anonymous said...

[url=http:/www./] Buying marijuana[/url] remains one with the most abused drugs particularly among the youth and has over 200 street names for example mary jane, weed, herb, pot, ganja, hash, among others. It comes from a Cannabis Sativa plant and is green or brown in appearance. The drug is derived from the flowers, leaves, seeds, and stems of this marijuana plant. Marijuana contains over 400 chemicals but the main active ingredient is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and is responsible for the drug's psychoactive and mind-altering influences.

The psychoactive consequences of marijuana might vary depending about the route of administration, or in easy terms, how a person uses the drug. High doses of this drug can result in hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, and anxiety. Long-term users may have decreased interest in goals, hampered concentration, drowsiness, and euphoria --- all of which might eventually lead to inappropriate decisions, poor physique coordination, and memory loss. Marijuna use might can also bring severe deterioration to the lungs, impair respiratory functions, and ruin sexual wellness. Marijuana may perhaps induce significant injury to lungs, much more severe than cigarettes mainly because it is inhaled deeply and held for longer periods than cigarettes. Marijuana could possibly interfere with male sexual functions and reproduction by increasing vasodilation inside the genitals and ejaculation difficulties. It may also result in lessening of sperm count and degeneration. The females, about the other hand, may encounter suppression of this ovulation process, disruption of menstruation cycles, and damaged eggs. Excessive use of marijuana more than extended periods of time bring about depression, loss of libido, and impotence. The outcomes of marijuana is associated with lower fertility rates and elevated risk of producing abnormal embryo.

In addition to these results of marijuana abuse and [url=http:/www./] marijuana sale [/url], there are other parts on the body that are adversely affected by the use of marijuana. The chemicals found in this not [url=] legal weed[/url] have been reported to damage the brain's sensory reactions. High doses of marijuana also leads to incidences of hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, and anxiety.
Blood vessels may possibly also expand due to vasodilation and might induce reddening in the eyes. The side effects of marijuana may well be heightened if coupled with other street drugs like cocaine and Lysergic acid Diethylamide (LSD).

It is never too late to break the habit, or extra appropriately, the [url=] marijuana high[/url]. It may well seem challenging since its 1 on the most accessible drugs that may easily be acquired. Individuals who wish to quit marijuana use typically experience sleeplessness, irritability, increased aggression, and other withdrawal symptoms. Even so, overcoming the addiction and also the withdrawal symptoms isn't an impossible task. For some, getting confined to a drug treatment facility and counselling may be essential to break the habit. Studies show that extra than 120,000 individuals will enter a drug treatment facility to aid them in their marijuana problems. With the appropriate tools and attitude, quitting smoking and reducing the well being consequences of secondhand smoke might be simpler than others think. Understanding ill-effects of marijuana to sexual well being and overall well-being is important in ending the said addiction.
By the way, [url=] legal bud[/url] dont work! Just saying cause some mislead you into thinking its some sort of legal marijuana alternatives, which is absolutely lie!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
